Britannia Proofreading Service (BPS) is an independent proofreading service committed to providing high-quality proofreading services at competitive prices. We work only with selected expert native British proofreaders who are domiciled in the UK. We dedicate our service to polishing your writing in the hands of British proofreaders.

About Us

Inspired by the goal of helping Indonesian academics to increase their potential for having their writing published in international journals, we at BPS believe that a scientific article with excellent and thought-provoking content should be presented with an outstanding quality of English and with writing style as produced by native authors. Inshaallah (if God wills), such quality of communication may increase the likelihood of publishing your article in internationally reputed publications. Similarly, we help Indonesian students who are studying in various parts of the world, as well as those at home in Indonesia. Our hope is to help you to present exceptional scientific papers, an aspiration which energises and motivates our work at BPS.

We also realise that proofreading services are not only needed by academics and students, but also by governments, business practitioners and non-profit organisations. The demands of globalisation that materials are presented accessibly to the international community are making effective, accurate, responsive proofreading as provided by BPS ever more vital. For this reason, we will help you to preparing a wide range of documents so that you can be presented them concisely and convincingly.

Best regards,
Ilham Reza Ferdian


Academic Proofreading

We provide services for academics aiming to submit their scientific articles to conference proceedings, journals and other publications. We also help students seeking to submit their theses/dissertations to ensure their work is free from spelling, grammar and punctuation errors and inconsistency of content. Their work becomes more interesting to read as it is polished personally by our native British proofreaders. Documents that fall into this category include:

  • Scientific manuscripts for publication at conferences and in journals;
  • Theses and dissertations;
  • Books;
  • Cover letters and draft letters of recommendation for scholarship applications and employment;
  • CVs and other documents.

Business Proofreading

We are happy to assist business sectors in preparing written materials to be presented more concisely and convincingly. Documents in this category of service include:

  • Reports, newsletters and presentation slides;
  • Company profiles;
  • Brochures, marketing and promotional materials;
  • Websites and other online documents.

Additional Service: Translation plus Native Proofreading (English only)

You do not need to worry if your document is not written in English. We will assist by providing you with a combined translation and proofreading service. If you choose this service, your document will be translated by our translators, and then one of our native British proofreaders will proofread it to ensure that the translated document is well-written and free from any grammatical errors.

Our proofreading services include:

  • Correcting spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors;
  • Checking consistency of sentence usage (parallelism, etc.);
  • Selecting appropriate words to fit your context;
  • Adjusting text to British, American or Australian English, according to your requirements;
  • Editing your list of references (upon your request, and to your required style – this will affect the final service fee);
  • Providing proofread documents with track changes version so you can see any suggested changes made by our proofreaders;
  • Providing an opportunity for you to review the proofread results. In providing your feedback, you should use ‘track changes’ or include comments on the proofread text, and mention reasons and scientific references explaining the reasons for your feedback.

Our services do not include:

  • Writing script content;
  • Formatting a script to meet specific word count requirements;
  • Editing the content of the manuscript;
  • Submitting the manuscript to the journal;
  • Ensuring that the text will be published in the desired journal.


Here are some steps you need to follow in having your document proofread by us:

  1. Submit your documents (in English) to and contact us via WhatsApp (+62-811-122-229);
  2. We will assess your document and inform you of the service fee and the expected date/time of completion;
  3. If you agree with the fee and the time of completion, please transfer the fee to our bank account;
  4. As soon as we confirm receipt of your payment, we will make payment to our native British proofreaders in the UK in pounds sterling;
  5. They will start to proofread your document;
  6. After obtaining the proofread document from our native proofreaders, we will send it to you in the track-changes format;
  7. You have two days to provide feedback to us/our proofreader, in English. Please use the ‘track changes’ feature in Ms Word if you have any queries about the results. In submitting the response, you are requested to provide scientific reasons and references for your comments, as these will help us to provide further improvements.



Berikut adalah sebagian testimoni dari para client kami:

“Hasil proofread sangat memuaskan. Proofreader-nya mengoreksi bukan hanya tata bahasa, tapi juga memberikan komentar atas beberapa hal dalam artikel yang tidak konsisten. Hasil proofread-nya juga selesai dalam waktu yang lebih cepat dari yang dijanjikan, dengan harga yang bersaing sekali. Highly recommended.”
-SS, Dosen, Universitas Indonesia-

“Proofreading-nya sangat detail, bukan hanya mengkoreksi tetapi juga saran untuk penggunaan phrase yang lebih formal. Bahkan sampai pada informasi referensi yang belum masuk dalam daftar pustaka. Terima kasih banyak ya.”
-AS, Peneliti, Bank Indonesia-

“Kami beberapa kali menggunakan jasa proofreading lain, tapi setelah tahu dan menggunakan layanan Britannia, kami sangat puas dengan hasilnya, 3 hari lebih cepat dari deadline dan koreksinya yang benar-benar detail sesuai yang kami harapkan, semakin mantap dan percaya diri untuk lebih banyak menulis artikel berbahasa Inggris dengan support dari Britannia! Terima kasih Britannia.”
-NYI, Dosen, Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret-

“Terimakasih Britannia Proofreading Service yang sudah membantu penyempurnaan paper saya. Hasilnya memuaskan dan cepat. ”
-PIW, Mahasiswi Pascasarjana, Universitas Gadjah Mada-

“Hasil proofread-nya memuaskan. Reviewernya detail. Selain tata bahasanya dibenarkan, saya suka ada komentar-komentarnya. Hal-hal kecil yang kurang konsisten dari artikel sumber pun tidak luput dari perhatian proofreader. Harganya juga bersaing banget, padahal awalnya saya sudah waswas karena di-proofread dari UK. Britannia juga memberi kesempatan saya untuk kasih feedback jika hasil proofreading-nya belum sesuai. Dari pengalaman saya sebelumnya, beberapa proofreader gak mau peduli tentang hal ini.”
- AR, Mahasiswi Pascasarjana, Universitas Indonesia-


Whatsapp (text only): +62 811 122 229

Azana Suite Lt.2
Jl. Pangeran Antasari No.75
Jakarta 12430, Indonesia